Madurai Pranic Healing Center

What is Meditation on Twin Hearts ?

In Ancient times many Kings, Scholars and Spiritual teachers have been practicing for centuries the technique to calm the mind through meditation which helps them to achieve better results, as the mind is clear and can think straight. Meditation is a wellness practice that focuses on training awareness, attention and compassion. In recent times research has found that meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and increase calmness.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination by increasing inner peace, happiness, increasing goodwill and the willingness to do good. Twin hearts meditation helps to develop a bridge between self-love and the love for humanity.

Being practiced globally by millions of people of different religions and backgrounds, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is the most simple guided meditation making it very effective and extraordinary. The secret of the meditation lies in activating the human love center, the Heart and then the universal love center the Crown, without which illumination is not possible.

Benefits of Twin Hearts Meditation

There are many ways of activating the heart and crown chakras, such as Hatha yoga, yogic breathing techniques, chanting mantras and visualization techniques. All of these techniques are effective but by and large Twin Hearts Meditation is the fastest and safest way to love everyone unconditionally including self.

People are drawn to practice meditation for many different reasons.

  • To Release stress
  • Calmness
  • Inner Peace
  • Better Focus and Understanding
  • Happiness and Joy
  • To improve Health
  • To Improve Relationship
  • Experience oneness with the Supreme

Duration: 30 Mins

Eligibility: 16 years and above

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