Madurai Pranic Healing Center

Auto Immune Disorder

My son Balaji was diagnosed with Auto immune disorder. He had leakage of protein in urine, swelling of face and stomach. Since there is no complete cure for Auto immune disorder in allopathy, we started exploring other alternative treatments.  But nothing gave him much relief. At that time we were suggested by one of our relatives to try Pranic healing.  We started the healing and to our relief, only with initial healing the swelling got reduced.  We continued the healing for 4 months and now my son is completely free of all the symptoms. Further tests shows no sign of Auto immune disorder.  There are no words to express our gratitude to the healer and the Center. 

We are very grateful to Pranic Healing.

R. Venkatesh


I was infected by Covid this year and became very critical and was put on ventilator. My lungs were fully infected and the doctors lost hope and told my relatives that I may not survive. My family approached the healer and after the second healing there was a drastic change in my health, my oxygen level started increasing. After 3 days, I was out of ventilator and they started decreasing my dosage of oxygen gradually. With the healing my oxygen level became normal and my lung infection got cured. After about 15 days I was discharged from the hospital. Till now I didn’t have any after effect of Covid.  I am totally fine.  

Thanks to my healer and Pranic healing for saving my life. 


Vikas Gupta

Chronic Sinusitis

I am Parveen, I have been suffering with chronic sinusitis for many years. I have to take medicine everyday. Without medicine it will be difficult for me to do my daily routine. I used to have runny nose, continuous sneezing and headache. With initial healing I felt 30% better. I continued the healing for few months till I was completely out of all my symptoms.  Now my sneezing has stopped completely and able to enjoy cold items also. 

I am grateful to Pranic healing!!

Endometrial Hyperplasia

My name is Sumathi, I was diagnosed with Endometrial Hyperplasia. I was on fear that it might get converted to cancer and started to take healing from Madurai Pranic Healing Center. I started seeing change in my energy level and emotions. I took totally 15 healings for a month. I went for a scan and the scan showed no trace of Endometrial Hyperplasia. I was completely cured with one month’s healing. I feel really relieved now. 

Thanks to Pranic healing.


I am Faizal , Three months ago I slipped from my motor bike while driving and fractured my left upper arm. I was in severe pain. I contacted the doctor and was advised to go for a surgery to place a plate because according to them there was no other option to fix the bone. He also said it will take 6 months for me to use my hand normally. I asked the doctor to bandage my hand with a normal cast.  I was not interested in going for a surgery and contacted my Pranic healer and asked him to start healing for me.  The pain got reduced instantaneous and now after 3 months my broken bone is joined and healed completely. I am now able to use my hand normally. 

I am grateful to Pranic healing for saving me from unnecessary surgery and trauma!!

IBS, Spondylitis & Para Ovarian Cyst

Hi, I am Annie, five months ago I was suffering from multiple health issues like severe acidity, IBS, hormonal issues, cervical spondylitis & para ovarian cyst. I was totally stressed, depressed & feeling hopeless. During that time one of my friends suggested Pranic healer Shek. I was initially not keen but later contacted him reluctantly as a last resort without much hope. Contrary to my expectation, I started feeling very confident and positive in just few initial healing sessions. People around me started noticing the change in me. In fact he brought back happiness and smile on my face that was completely lost several months ago. Constant fear and mood swings I used to have, started fading away gradually. I would say he came as a blessing in my time of crisis & need. He used to listen to me with utmost patience & care. With his constant care & support I am more than 75% healed. A para ovarian cyst I had for about 3 years was completely cured. I’m now over 80% free from severe IBS issues (acidity, throat pain, bloating, burning sensation, nausea) I used to have for years. I’m now able to consume food much better. 

He has excellent healing powers and has sound knowledge about the subject. I am grateful to my friend who introduced him to me. I thank God & Master for placing me in the hands of an efficient healer. May God bless him abundantly.

I strongly recommend people to try Pranic Healing for any physical or psychological ailments. It is miraculous.

Kidney Stone

Hi, I am Viswanathan, I was facing kidney stone problem, due to which I had severe back pain and blockage in urine flow.  Scan report showed that I had a 9 mm stone. According to the medical doctors surgery was the only option.  I contacted my friend Shek, who is a Pranic healer for his suggestion. He gave me hope and within 5 days of healing the pain got reduced and the urine flow was normal. The stone got flushed out along with urine. Till then I used to get pain on & off. After the stone was out, I got complete relief.  

I am very much thankful to my friend Shek and Pranic healing.  

Lymphatic Node Infection

Hi all, my name is Bhaskar, in early 2020 I got diagnosed for a white patch tumor in my tongue and went thru surgery and removed it. Later scans showed infection in my lungs lymphatic nodes I was really down but got introduced to Healer Shek by Daniel of Aura center, Nanganullur, Chennai and the healer did Pranic healing for me. He also asked me to do twin hearts meditation while he was doing Pranic healing on me. Both complemented each other and I got healed completely and further scans showed no infection. 

I am eternally grateful to Mr. Shek for being patient and putting up with all my anxieties and constant worries, in the end the meditation gave me positivity and his healing gave me the cure and confidence to go back to my normal schedule. As we all go thru lots of tribulations, I want everyone to benefit from Pranic healing. 

Thanks once again to the Healer for his consistent efforts in spite of his busy schedule.  He is a wonderful human with a loving heart. Blessings be to all!! 


Hi, my name is Manju Menaka, I would like to tell you about my experience with Healer Shek for my daughter. We took healing with him for my daughter’s sinus issue. After she took healing for a while, he said she is having some other major issue and advised us to do a check – up. Immediately within a week, she got admitted in hospital for a major issue due to pancreas inflammation. Even the doctors did not give us hope at that time.

After report came, we spoke to our healer. He gave us hope which made us confident. She was in the ICU with rapid heart rate, Bp and severe pain in stomach. Our healer picked the phone every time we called him. Within 3 days of continuous healing, my daughter’s heart rate and BP came to normal and she got discharged.

Doctor asked us to take medicines for next one year or more, till needed. Our healer cured her and only three months of medicine was needed. Now she has become perfectly alright!!

Now I recommend him to many of my friends and they are also getting cured now.

After this incident I gained trust in Pranic healing and got interest to learn about it. My intention of sharing is to spread the awareness about Pranic healing which has possibility to cure and save many lives!!!


Hi, I am Manimala, I am in my late forties. My experience with Mr. Shek started from my  Basic pranic healing workshop where he was my tutor and after completing my Basic pranic healing course I started applying the technique for all my relatives and friends and got excellent results for minor ailments. I was suffering from PCOD and para ovarian cyst for a long time and since Basic healing techniques may not be efficient to treat the aliments, I contacted Mr. Shek for healing and after few months of healing, the scan study showed, my ovaries are normal except a small right para ovarian cyst. 

He taught us many simple healing techniques after completing each workshop and those techniques worked amazingly.

Thank you Master Choa for your priceless teachings, and I wish God’s blessings for Mr. Shek to continue his pranic healing practices to spread Master’s teachings and techniques to benefit many people around the world.


My father aged 87 years with persisting cardiac condition post Angioplasty 7 yrs ago, known diabetic and hypersensitive since 45 yrs. Suddenly developed cough, chest pain, giddiness and palpitations. His Covid test was negative. We consulted his cardiologist and was advised to get admitted for further evaluation. His sodium level was low and the ECG showed ventricular tachycardia(VTC). Sodium level correction was done, but he developed breathlessness and frequent VTC. His oxygen saturation started dropping below 90 and was put on Elective Ventilation(NIV) and antibiotics was given as he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He became drowsy and stopped responding. We couldn’t see any improvement in his condition and the Doctors suggested to take him home, so we requested for healing. After a day VTC improved, the drowsiness improved and gradually weaned of ventilation. After 3 days he became better and was discharged from hospital.

Thanks to Mr. Shek for the timely help with Pranic healing!!

Skin Infection

Hi all, this is Senthil here, I want to share my experience with my healer Shek. He is a wonderful person who is very caring, kind hearted and lovable in nature.

Last month my son got some kind of skin infection in his face, the infected area started increasing every day. We tried alternative medicine for a month and saw no changes. Then I asked Shek to heal my son’s skin infection. Within a week I saw drastic changes and in a couple of weeks there was not even a scar or mark in that place.

This was all because of him and Pranic healing!!

Thanks a lot to him!!!!


I am Meena, I got stroke due to brain hemorrhage on the left side of the brain, because of that my right side of the body was paralyzed. I was taken to the hospital. The doctors did not have any hope and asked my son to take me home. Our family members felt totally helpless and contacted Pranic healer Shek. He advised my son to admit me in a nearby hospital for maintenance and started my healing. After 2 healing the hemorrhage stopped and I was able to move my right hand and leg.  Now I am completely cured and have become fully active like before.  No body will believe if I say I had stroke.  It is reversed completely. This was possible only because of Pranic healing and the timely help from healer Shek from Madurai Pranic Healing Center.  

Thanks to Pranic healing.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

I really thank Divine Pranic Healing treatment for giving a lot of benefits for my father Mr. Chinnasamy (Age -61). He was severely suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because of that he couldn’t do any movements and he used to get pain in all the joints in the body, even fingers joints. Sometimes the pain will be intolerable, which affected his sleep, eating and even basic needs also. Most importantly he was taking Pain killers both morning and night but situation did not improve. 

After I heard about Pranic healing treatment through my friend, we decided (08-April-20) to start healing for ones in 2 days. After completing first week of healing,  initially the pain got reduced and was manageable. My father was little relaxed and was able to sleep and was feeling better. 

Some days later unfortunately situation got reversed. He again got pain in joints and throughout body. He started losing hope because even pain killers didn’t help. 

But after 10days, my father’s pain level came in control and day by day we started seeing improvement (without pain killers). He was able to sleep well & was feeling hopeful. 

Right now healing is going on once in 3 days. He is able to sleep well, eat well and able to ride his bike too. He has recovered more than 80%. I strongly believe after some more healing he will be perfectly alright. 

I thank Healer Shek for his support and guidance every time with immediate reply.  Once again I thank God and Divine Pranic Healing. 

Thank you 


S/o chinnasamy

Urinary Infection

I am Kanchana, I was suffering from urinary infection for the past 1 year or so.  The medicines did not give me any relief.  I was on constant pain and suffering.  I heard about Pranic healing and decided to try. To my surprise, during my first healing I got healed instantly. There was no words to express my happiness. After some time, I got infected again and took healing and got healed immediately. So, I decided to continue healing for some more time. I took healing for alternate days for a month. Now, it has been more than a year, I am totally fine and did not get infected again. Before I can never use outside restroom for fear of getting infected, but now I don’t have that fear anymore.  I am now free from my nightmares.  

Thanks to Pranic healing!


My name is Anitha,  For the past 10 years I have been suffering with vertigo problem. I used to have dizziness, nausea and any sudden movement of the neck used to give me imbalance for sometime. I was on regular medicine, which I need to take everyday otherwise my symptoms will become worse. After taking healing from Madurai Pranic Healing Center, my symptoms started reducing. I stopped my medicines completely. Now, after 10 days of healing, I am totally fine. Till now it didn’t relapse. 

I am very much thankful to Pranic Healing!!