Madurai Pranic Healing Center

Whether or not you have a better life depends on you. It depends on your attitude. Forgiveness is not a matter of who is right or wrong. It is a matter of doing the right thing. If you seek revenge, you will not have inner peace. If we choose to keep pain and resentment in our hearts, it will continue to harm us. By forgiving and blessing, you stop wallowing in mud and you can achieve inner peace and freedom. Forgiveness doesn’t just help us heal from the wrongs that were done to us. It also increases our sense of happiness and growth. 

The ability to forgive is an important step to our own healing and spiritual growth.

Forgiveness is for our own growth and happiness.

Forgiveness for Kindness, Clarity and Mercy

Inner forgiveness is therapeutic. If you do not forgive, you cannot be internally healed. Forgiving heals the Soul. Make a list of all your enemies and those who have hurt you. Mentally visualize forgiving each one of them.

Feel compassion for that person. Bless that person with peace and love.